Dr. Wonjun Choi
Associate Professor at School of Architecture, Chonnam National University
Dr. Wonjun Choi is an Associate Professor at the School of Architecture, Chonnam National University, and leads the Building Energy Technology laboratory (betlab). His research is focused on the design and control of building renewable energy systems, with a particular emphasis on probabilistic system design and control, accounting for uncertainties associated with individual buildings, energy systems, and the uncontrollable environment. Examples of his work include the development of a renewable energy network system that combines various renewable energy sources, probabilistic inverse problems related to energy system design and control, exergy analyses for the built environment, and the development of interpretable AI models for model predictive control of renewable energy systems.
2015 Department of Architecture | The University of Tokyo (Ph.D.)
2011 Department of Architectural Engineering | University of Seoul (M.Sc.)
2009 Department of Architectural Engineering | University of Seoul (B.Sc.)
2023. 09 – Present Associate Professor | Chonnam National University
2021. 09 – 2023. 08 Assistant Professor | Chonnam National University
2019. 04 – 2021. 08 Assistant Professor | The University of Tokyo
2017 & 2019 Visiting Scholar | University of Cambridge, The Alan Turing Institute
2015. 10 – 2019. 03 JSPS Overseas Research Fellow | The University of Tokyo
2012. 04 – 2015. 09 JSPS Doctoral Course Research Fellow | The University of Tokyo
2011. 09 – 2012. 03 Associate Engineer | POSCO Engineering & Construction
Probabilistic design, control, and retrofit of buildings and energy systems
Machine learning-based predictive control of building energy systems
Design and optimal control of complementary renewable energy network systems
Exergy analysis of the built environment
2019 Best Research Proposal Award (Yayoi Award) | Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
2016 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Overseas Researchers | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
2014 Excellent Conference Paper Prize | The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers (SHASE) of Japan
2014 JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
2012 Japanese Government Scholarships | Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)