Participation in 2023 SAREK
Location : YongPyong resort, Pyeongchang
건축재료의 열확산계수와 시스템 두께에 따른 동적상태와 비정상상태 엑서지 분석법 비교 presented by Habin Jo
복사와 대류를 고려한 건물 외피에서의 비정상상태 엑서지 분석 presented by Sieun Kim
건물 도메인을 포함한 설계 파라미터들의 불확실성이 지열교환기 설계 길이 불확실성에 미치는 영향 분석 presented by Euntak Shin
다양한 지열교환기 클러스터의 열응답 함수 불확실성에 관련된 변수 기여도의 시간적 변화 분석 presented by Yoonseong Kim
From 21 to 23 June 2023, Euntak, Yoonseong, Habin and Sieun had the opportunity to present our paper at the YongPyong Resort in Pyeongchang.
Through this academic presentation, we were able to participate in various knowledge sharing and discussions on building energy use and energy-efficient equipment technologies. It was an opportunity to broaden our knowledge by sharing opinions with various people, not only academics but also those who are working in the field.
In this conference, many researchers specializing in building HVAC systems gathered. In the previous conference, we attended merely as listeners, which felt like to attending a university lecture. However, this conference felt very differen기t. We focused on how other people conducted their research, the methods they used to derive their results, and their presentation skills.
Furthermore, the feedback we received after our presentation was beneficial. It helped us prepare for our next presentation and added elements that made our research more sophisticated.
Although going to Pyeongchang was not easy, it was definitely worth it.
Presented papers
복사와 대류를 고려한 건물 외피에서의 비정상상태 엑서지 분석 by Sieun Kim
건축재료의 열확산계수와 시스템 두께에 따른 동적상태와 비정상상태 엑서지 분석법 비교 by Habin Jo
건물 도메인을 포함한 설계 파라미터들의 불확실성이 지열교환기 설계 길이 불확실성에 미치는 영향 분석 by Euntak Shin
다양한 지열교환기 클러스터의 열응답 함수 불확실성에 관련된 변수 기여도의 시간적 변화 분석 by Yoonseong Kim
해석가능한 딥러닝 모델을 이용한 입력 시계열 길이에 따른 시계열 모델 예측 원리의 변화 분석 by Wonjun Choi